Did you know that changing your eating habits can prevent cancer? Let me tell you five foods that help prevent breast cancer.


Cabbage, which can be used in various dishes such as salads, wraps, and stir-fried dishes, is known to be rich in dietary fiber and is known to be active in bowel movements. Moreover, it is excellent for preventing breast cancer, so it is a good food to eat frequently. A survey by the University of Michigan found that women who eat cabbage more than three times a week are 72 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than women who do not.


Soybean is an effective food for breast cancer prevention. Soybean contains a chemical called isoflavone, and epidemiological studies have shown that foods that contain a lot of isoflavones have a preventive effect on breast cancer. In addition, the main health effects of soybeans include weight loss and increased bone density. Soybean rich dietary fiber also helps prevent diabetes by suppressing rapid blood sugar increases.


According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition in the U.S., eating carrots steadily reduced the risk of breast cancer by up to 60%, and those who ate enough red and yellow vegetables such as carrots had a 21% lower risk of lung cancer. Carrots go well with any recipe, so you can easily add them to your diet and enjoy them.


Nuts are also effective foods for preventing breast cancer. According to a study of 62,000 women in menopause over the past 20 years from 1986, women who follow Mediterranean diets such as nuts and olive oil have reduced their risk of breast cancer by 40 percent. Choose nuts as a healthy snack and try eating the right amount.


The ingredient "Lycopene" in tomatoes is well known for its health benefits. The red-colored lycopene of tomatoes maintains the cell's youth, with powerful antioxidants that release the active oxygen that causes aging. Lycopene is also effective in preventing prostate cancer in men, breast cancer in women, and cancer in digestive systems.

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